All hail Wimblebot!

By Andrew Gregory. Posted

This weekend is Wimbledon Finals weekend, in which Serena Williams will resume her reign as Queen of Tennis and the men's game is looking like it could provide an upset after two epic semi finals. The weather's nice, the strawberries are fresh and the cream is cold. Only one thing can improve this situation: a robot!

Take it away Ross Atkin, creator of (among other things) the Wimblebot:

I’m a product designer based in London. I work mainly on projects aimed at making life easier for disabled people, either in assistive technology or accessibility. I think it is really important that kids get to experience being creative with technology, and I’m horrified by how this is disappearing from our education system. Because of this, I started The Crafty Robot, a small business that makes robot kits with lots of creative possibilities.

Our latest robot kit is called Smartibot and we’re running a campaign on Kickstarter, so we can put it into production. I used the Smartibot circuit board, battery box, and motors, combined with some tennis balls and the tube they came in, to build this Wimblebot. I controlled it using the app we’ve created for Smartibot.

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