Pocket Arduino weather station

By Andrew Gregory. Posted

On the day of writing this, England has had snow, hail, clear blue skies, sunshine, and freezing cold, all in the space of about four hours in early April. What we need is a pocket weather station, like this one, designed and built by Aarav Garg.
Screenshot 2021-04-22 at 22.56.49

Aarav got into technology about four years ago; he’s since delivered lectures in universities, and taught robotics in high schools in India. He’s also only 15 years old! Aarav’s device uses a DHT11 temperature sensor, an Arduino Nano, an OLED display, a 160 mAh battery plus charging module, and a circuit he designed in Fritzing. It’s a perfect example of a device that does one thing and one thing well; it’s finished, therefore it’s perfect.

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